Saturday, November 30, 2019

National Debt an Example of the Topic Economics Essays by

National Debt by Expert Prof J.F | 16 Dec 2016 National debt is also called government debt or Public debt. National debt can be described as the money a government (central, federal, municipal or local government) owes. Governments in normal circumstances are supported by taxpayers money; the taxpayers comprise people the government represents. Therefore any debt any government owes can be seen as an indirect debt to the taxpayers. When a government spends more than it taxes it runs a deficit thereby accumulating debt over the time because it forces the government to borrow from within or outside. Need essay sample on "National Debt" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Government debt can be broken down into two: internal debt and external debt. Internal debt is money owed to lenders that are within the country. External debt on the other hand is the debt the government owes foreign lenders. The governments often borrows by issuing securities in form of government bonds or sovereign bonds and bills that form what are called treasury securities or securities that the government borrows from the central bank. Sometimes unethical and hard-pressed governments may resort to borrowing from commercial banks. Government debt can also be classified according to the repayment period that the particular debt takes. There is short-term debt, long-term debt and medium term debt. Short-term debt is normally one year and less, long-term debt is 10 years and more while medium term debt falls in between the two. Money creation The process of producing or issuing money is termed as money creation. Money is normally created in 2 ways. Manufacturing of physical money in a mint. This encompasses manufacture of coins and notes (paper currency) Through loaning out the physical money several times by what is termed as fractional-reserve lending. Creation of money by mint Minting of money can be categorized into competitive or nationalized. When the minting is competitive it means that competing manufacturers are in business of manufacturing coins. The mints first have to purchase billion from the billion markets. A billion is best described as bulk precious metals that are used for coin manufacture. Purity and mass are the critical aspects of the billion rather than the face value. Once they buy the billion the mints manufacture coins out of it, which they use to pay for their production costs and retain some profit. On the other hand, nationalized minting is where a particular government monopolizes coin manufacturing. In this system the government owns and operates mint that have the responsibility of producing coinage for the national system. Nationalized minting can either be minting with a right to exchange or can be minting with no right to exchange. Creation of money through practical reserve system Money multiplier is the most common money generating mechanism. This mechanism generally measures the level by which a commercial banking system increases the level of money supply. Central banks play the role of controlling the amount of money that the system creates. The central bank does this by placing reserve ratios on the commercial banks. These ratios set the primary deposits proportion the banks are required to hold as reserve qualifier. The reserve ratio is a very important factor because it prevents banks from generating excessive amount of money that would harm the economy of the country and also it safeguards the banks from cash shortages when large deposits are withdrawn. International Trade International Trade as the name suggests is the exchange of goods and services between one country and another. It can also be defined as trade across international boundaries. Traders in an international set up can be classified either as exporters or importers. The antecedent to international trade was barter systems or transactions where goods and other valuable items were exchanged The factors that greatly encourage international trade include lower production costs on one country as opposed to another, which means goods and services from one region are cheaper. Another factor is the availability of specialized industries in a particular region that is not available in another one, this means that a certain region has the capacity and capability to produce certain goods and services in a very specialized manner because of the availability of advanced technology. Also lack or surplus of natural resources plays a major role in international trade. International Trade is an important component of economics and can be considered the Engine that runs most nations and contributes greatly to GDP of most countries. If not for international trade must countries would be limited to the goods and services that are only available within the country itself, this of course would basically make the growth of many economies grind to a halt. International trade has continued to evolve and change especially with the advancement of technology and perhaps the latest technological advancement that has impacted the trade significantly is the Internet, which has turned the world into a small global village. Works Cited A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Retrieved on 28th February 2008 Retrieved on 28th February 2008 Reem Heakal : What Is International Trade? Retrieved on 28th February 2008

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

History of Civil Engineering Essay Essays

History of Civil Engineering Essay Essays History of Civil Engineering Essay Essay History of Civil Engineering Essay Essay Civil technology involves the design. building. and care of plants such as roads. Bridgess. and edifices. It’s a scientific discipline that includes a assortment of subjects including dirts. constructions. geology. and other Fieldss. Thus the history of civil technology is closely associated with the history of promotion in these scientific disciplines. In ancient history. most of the building was carried out by craftsmans. and proficient expertness was limited. Undertakings were accomplished by the use of manual labour merely. without the usage of sophisticated machinery. since it did non be. Therefore. civil technology plants could merely be realized with the use of a big figure of skilled workers over an drawn-out period of clip. * Prehistoric and Ancient Civil Engineering Structures It might be appropriate to presume that the scientific discipline of civil technology genuinely commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in Egypt when transit gained such importance that it led to the development of the wheel. Harmonizing to the historiographers. the Pyramids were constructed in Egypt during 2800-2400 BC and may be considered as the first big construction building of all time. The Great Wall of China that was constructed around 200 BC is considered another accomplishment of ancient civil technology. The Romans developed extended constructions in their imperium. including aqueducts. Bridgess. and dikes. A scientific attack to the physical scientific disciplines refering civil technology was implemented by Archimedes in the 3rd century BC. by using the Archimedes Principle refering perkiness and the Archimedes prison guard for raising H2O. ASCE Online Library World Wide Web. ascelibrary. orgFree hunt 800. 000 pages All countries of civil technologySoftware Engineer DegreeEducationDegreeSource. com/Free_Info100 % Online Master Degree – Software Engineering for Busy Programmers! Seismic Design GroupWorld Wide Web. SeismicDesignGroup. com Seismic Bracing A ; Engineering Commercial Non-Structural Trades Ads by Google * The Roles of Civil And Military Engineer in Ancient Times As stated above. civil technology is considered to be the first chief subject of technology. and the applied scientists were in fact military applied scientists with expertness in military and civil plants. During the epoch of conflicts or operations. the applied scientists were engaged to help the soldiers contending in the battleground by doing slingshots. towers. and other instruments used for contending the enemy. However. during peace clip. they were concerned chiefly with the civil activities such as edifice munitions for defence. doing Bridgess. canals. etc. * Civil Engineering in the 18th – twentieth Century Until the recent epoch. there was no major difference between the footings civil technology and architecture. and they were frequently used interchangeably. It was in the eighteenth century that the term civil technology was foremost used independently from the term military technology. The first private college in the United States that included Civil Engineering as a separate subject was Norwich University established in the twelvemonth 1819. Civil technology societies were formed in United States and European states during the nineteenth century. and similar establishments were established in other states of the universe during the twentieth century. The American Society of Civil Engineers is the first national technology society in the United States. In was founded in 1852 with members related to the civil technology profession located globally. The figure of universities in the universe that include civil technology as a subject have increased enormously during the 19th and the twentieth centuries. bespeaking the importance of this engineering. * Modern Concepts In Civil Engineering Numerous engineerings have assisted in the promotion of civil technology in the modern universe. including hi-tech machinery. choice of stuffs. trial equipment. and other scientific disciplines. However. the most outstanding subscriber in this field is considered to be computer-aided design ( CAD ) and computer-aided industry ( CAM ) . Civil applied scientists use this engineering to accomplish an efficient system of building. including industry. fiction. and hard-on. Three-dimensional design package is an indispensable tool for the civil applied scientist that facilitates him in the efficient designing of Bridgess. tall edifices. and other immense complicated constructions. * hypertext transfer protocol: //www. thecivilengg. com/History. phpCIVIL ENGINEERING ( CE )Overall Focus: â€Å"Public works†/infrastructure and buildings/structures. Note: Given the figure of possible applications. Civil Engineering is a really wide subject. Primary Areas of Specialization: 1. Construction Management ( uniting technology and direction accomplishments to finish building undertakings designed by other applied scientists and designers ) . 2. Environmental Engineering ( see separate entry ) 3. Geotechnical Engineering ( analysis of dirts and stone in support of technology projects/applications – edifice foundations. earthen constructions. belowground installations. dikes. tunnels. roads. etc ) 4. Structural Engineering ( design of all types of stationary constructions – edifices. Bridgess. dikes. etc. ) 5. Surveying ( measure/map the earth’s surface in support of technology design and building undertakings and for legal intents – turn uping belongings lines. etc. ) 6. Transportation system Engineering ( design of all types of transit facilities/systems – streets/highways. airdromes. railwaies. other mass theodolite. harbors/ports. etc. ) . 7. Water Resources Engineering ( control and usage of H2O. concentrating on inundation control. irrigation. natural H2O supply. and hydroelectric power applications ) hypertext transfer protocol: //groups. yokel. com/group/AR001_ARCHCRUZ/files/3. % 20LETTERING/

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to address members of the Government in a letter

How to address members of the Government in a letter Writing to the Government Will you have something you just have to say to the next government of this country? It seems fitting somehow (not sure why) to follow-up our last blog with a quick clarification on how to write to MPs. After all, the wait is nearly over. The campaigning is all but finished. We know the results are a tough one to call, and that whoever rises victorious from the hustings will have some tough calls to make. So if youre interested in sharing opinions, suggestions, recommendations, congratulations, or even a selection of budget recipes with whichever party (or parties) makes it past the post, heres how to do it. Its considerably more straightforward than politics. Prime Minister For the new/re-elected PM, begin your epistle, Dear Mr [insert surname here], or even more simply: Dear Prime Minister. Finish Yours sincerely. The Cabinet For the rest of the Cabinet, its just Dear [appointment]. For example, Dear Minister, Dear Home Secretary, Dear Lord Chancellor, Dear Under-Secretary and so forth. If the appointment in question is particularly long-winded, its better to use their name. Yours sincerely is the sign-off. Envelopes Members of the Cabinet are known as Right Honourable. The formula for addressing them on the envelope is: The Rt Hon [title] [name] [honours], MP, [appointment/position] Bear in mind they may not have a title (eg Sir), or any honours (for example, KBE, CBE etc). So the next PMs envelope would read (in your best handwriting): The Rt Hon [Gordon Brown/David Cameron/Nick Clegg/Shock outsider], MP, Prime Minister. Democracy Now, after youve written your X, youll be well-equipped to write anything else you feel you must. Before then, of course, theres just the small matter of counting the votes. And you can also always have your say on what appears here. Just leave a comment below, or contact us directly. Write Now aims to address any questions you may have about business writing: blogging with the people, for the people. Image credit:derwiki / Pixabay

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Advanced Fire Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advanced Fire Administration - Essay Example The chief of police recognized and respected me over the years due to the services I led my unit to offer. It started with frontline supervision and rose to command with many daring rescues. The team leadership I provided with the support and trust of my unit led to effective decisions in a hard and demanding environment. I started as an active firefighter in 1983 where I held the ranks of lieutenant and captain by the year 1989. In 1989, my administrative duties began after my election as the departmental third assistant chief by my colleagues. By the year 1989 to 1991 I had risen to the first assistant chief of the department, it was, therefore, a pleasant surprise when in 1992, my colleagues saw me as best suited for the position of fire chief. I held this position for four years before serving as the vice president and fire ground safety officer to the fire company between 1996 and 2009 (Randy 56). In 2010, I became president to the fire company, this company which is the C.E.O for the fire organization. Its responsibilities were to offer detailed plans, procedures, and standards for implementation at a volunteer fire department serving a unique population comprised of large and small businesses, single-family homes, high buildings, and municipal facilities. My duties as president were to offer expert technical knowledge, to train and safely lead approximately 50 volunteer firefighters and engage in controlling and extinguishing fires to protect property. I also aided in rescuing people endangered by fire, reducing and trying to eliminate potential fire hazards, controlling hazardous materials incidents, coordinating emergency medical services, training volunteers in fire protection and prevention, operating and maintaining fire communications equipment, and advising on improvements to structures for better fire prevention.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Discussion question - Essay Example If the premise is that what is natural and what is according to human nature is morally acceptable, then euthanasia is morally wrong (â€Å"Euthanasia†). Therefore, based on such principles laid out by Gay-Williams, Lewis made a morally wrong decision in giving lethal doses of drugs to AIDS patients. Regardless of what they wanted, he should have obeyed their natural human tendency to live. Personally, my stereotype of a gay man refers to either an effeminate man or a drag queen full of make-up. Moreover, for me, lesbians are those strong women wearing leather jackets and punch men in their stomachs. The bisexuals are hard to define but perhaps they look more gay than bisexual. These stereotypes are based on fact as we all know that drag queens, effeminate men and violent lesbians exist. Moreover, such stereotypes make me want to avoid such people not necessarily because of discrimination but because I personally believe that most of them would not act normally in public, and this would make me or others feel very uncomfortable. Such discomfort would be enough to make me avoid them even if I personally do not discriminate against their sexual orientation. The point is that if they only behave like normal people and not attract too much attention, then perhaps I or society itself would be able to understand them more. Nevertheless, since they are also human beings, it i s not morally justifiable to limit their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bill Gates Essay Example for Free

Bill Gates Essay One man with a vision dared all odds to realize his dream of having every abode equipped with a personal computer. It was rather an ambitious dream, but he did his best and soon enough success came knocking on his door. The most important developments in the history of the computer industry happened because of that one man and his vision. His story seems to tell people to dare to dream and work as hard to realize it. William Henry â€Å"Bill† Gates III chairs the world leader in software development, solutions as well as and services company known as the Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Corporation NP). This company has assisted individuals as well as industries around the world to recognize their fullest potentials. Bill Gates was born on the 28th day of October in the year 1955. He is the son of Mary and William Gates II. His father is an attorney while his mom was a teacher. Bill has two sisters. The young Bill together with his sisters was raised in Seattle (Microsoft Corporation NP). Born to a rich family, Gates went to the most expensive schools in the United States. For his elementary education, he went to both public as well as private schools. During these years, he came to develop an interest in the software industry. He started doing computer programming as young as 13 years of age (Microsoft Corporation NP). Gates also went to Harvard University in the year 1973 (Microsoft Corporation NP). In his stint at Harvard, he developed his version of the BASIC programming language. He did this for the microcomputer, otherwise known as the MITS Altair (Microsoft Corporation NP). He left Harvard while he was on his third year. His reason for leaving school is to concentrate on the company he started with good friend, Paul Allen. The year was 1975 when what was to become the largest software developing company was initially started, then manned by just two people, Bill and Allen (Microsoft Corporation NP). The two started developing software for PCs led by the conviction that the computer would likely become an indispensable tool at the offices as well as for every household. Gates’ hope as well as his dream for personal computing have as it has always been vital to the success of his company and as well as to the rest of the industry. Under his guidance, the company’s mission is to constantly progress as well as develop software technology. It also aims to make it simpler, more cost efficient, as well as more pleasing for its users. Gates became famous the world over, largely due to the sensational success of the company he started. He delivered an interesting insight on the way personal computers will further revolutionize the lives of people in the future. He also shared the way the information superhighway will constantly progress. Gates, being the positive and passionate guy that he is will certainly play a huge role in the future of computers. In the advent of sophisticated computer technology, Gates sees the future were paper work will eventually be minimized. He sees it as something where educators will teach their students with the aid of computers primarily. It would be a world where meetings can happen at any given day, at any given time without the need to travel long distances. It would be a world where residences can well recognize it owners’ distinctively like man ever though possible. Nowadays, Gates’ idea that PCs would be a huge industry as well as his constantly logical vision, are essential to his business as well as to the rest of the industry. The moment he and his business partner started out their business, they came to know the basics as they progressed (Gates 5). On the first day of January in the year 1994, Bill wed Melinda French (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP. While his philanthropic ways were essential to the billionaire, together with his wife, they started what came to be known as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The couple believes in the equality of life for every human being. From the time it started in the year 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation help to minimize the inequalities that exist in their own country as well as the world over (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation NP). As of the first month of the year 2005, over $28. 8 billion was allotted to aid the philanthropic efforts of the couple particular concerning worldwide health and education (Microsoft Corporation NP). They hope that developments in these fields will be made accessible to those in need in the 21st century. The foundation has devoted over $3. 6 billion to institutions involved in worldwide health care. It has allotted over $2 billion to develop education opportunities, together with the Gates Library Initiative to give PCs, access to the information superhighway as well as education to public libraries in poor neighborhoods in their country and even in Canada. Over $477 million was committed to neighborhood missions at the Pacific Northwest. Over $488 million was fixed for special missions as well as yearly giving drives of the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). The company declared a transition process on the 15 day of June in the year 2006. Such process took effect on July 2008. It has the company’s chairman out of his daily task in order to devote much of his time for his worldwide education and health initiatives through the foundation (Microsoft Corporation NP). After such time, Gates will still act as the chairman as well as a consultant particularly on the company’s key advancement programs. Such transition was done in order to guarantee the efficient as well as systematic turnover of responsibilities in the company. For a hundred years since the time of Rockefeller, Ford as well as Carnegie, the foundation eventually became the richest endowment ever to exist. Its first endowment sponsored the company associated products in training as well as public libraries in the country. Still, others claim that it was his wife’s influence that caused the foundation to take a new direction to be the biggest sole private resource of investment for study into AIDS, vaccine as well as malnutrition. As a result, the efforts garnered several recognitions (New Internationalist 1). Gates envisions significant developments in the computer industry in the years to come. He pictures software that is capable of interacting with people at a more personal level by means of identifying voices, features as well as hand gestures. Armed with inexpensive digital cameras, PCs will soon have vision (Hart NP). He pictures interactive tablet computes taking the place of books as well as notebooks in institutions. Pupils will draft the whole lot of the things they must have on their tablet computers and transcribe all straight to screen for storage. Gates foretells that for a great number of institutions, the price of new PCs will not fall as low to be a practical option to conventional book for two to fours years from now (Hart NP). Software will modify more things in the future than it has ever done before. Gates remarked the manner in which the development of software and ever more influential microprocessors, together with the information superhighway has affected individual as well as industrial computing. Moreover, he mentioned about the way it altered the world of photography as well as the music industry. For the most part, things will leave the desktop and will be completed in the cloud of the information superhighway. Large amounts of data, take for example, the Visual Earth developed by the company will build more logic being shared over cyberspace than downloaded on the personal computer (Kash NP). The answer to upcoming software advancement is to build the architecture that allows users to handle information as well as applications in a diversified environment making the most of both local as well as the cyber realms. The major transformation approaching is innovative means of relating with devices. At the same time as the aid of both keyboards and mouse is here to stay, innovative potentials in terms of speech recognition, citing for example may turn mobile devices into an even more powerful tool for communication. He also depicted the manner the three dimensional computing, collaboration devices as well as robotics are offering new stages for output that will constantly modify the cyberspace industry. Lastly, he imparted his remarks in dropping by institutions regarding the way software is turning out to be an ever more vital element in the development of the sciences, particularly in astronomy as well as biology, giving new opportunities for the development of the software industry. Gates impatiently waits for the time when the administration of any state can get rid of paper from their systems of justice as well as medical records. Since this particular market does not concern similar aggressive issues that it was usually to be anticipated that it would take a little more time for it to progress into new advances and still the chance for competence, visibility of data as well as doing away with forms is still rather great. He believes that the growing accessibility of sophisticated visual representations will advance the development of online advertising as well as the information superhighway will ever more afford the best stage for some of the most elaborate as well as targeted innovative advertising efforts. For the twenty five year that has passed since Gates first encountered the programming language known as BASIC and when he learned the about the GE machine, he has changed the computer industry in a remarkable way. The advent of Microsoft Windows, the mouse as well as MS – DOS brought it down to a more personalized plane. His goal of having every home equipped with a personal computer is happening. His visions have fashioned extremely aggressive software as well as hardware computing industries. This man has certainly caused a great impact on the way people processes available data. The world has been seen a dramatic change as far as the computer industry is concerned because of one man who dared to realize his noble vision. Works Cited â€Å"About Us. † 2008. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gatesfoundation. org/AboutUs/. â€Å"Bill Gates. † 30 July 2007. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. microsoft. com/presspass/exec/billg/bio. mspx. â€Å"Bill Gates. † July 2006. New Internationalist. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0JQP/is_391/ai_n16619363. Gates, Bill. The Road Ahead. USA: Pearson Education Limited, 1999. Hart, Kim. â€Å"Bill Gates’ Vision for the Future. † 13 March 2008. The Washington Post Company. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://blog. washingtonpost. com/posttech/2008/03/bill_gates_vision_for_the_futu. html Kash, Wyatt. â€Å"Bill Gates on software’s future. † 13 Marh 2008. Government Computer News. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://www. gcn. com/blogs/tech/45963. html. Reitz, Stacey. â€Å"William Henry Gates III. † 26 September 1996. Stacey Reitz. Retrieved May 18, 2008, from http://ei. cs. vt. edu/~history/Gates. html.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis of the Jurors in 12 Angry Men :: 12 Angry Men, Reginald Rose

In all criminal cases presented in the courts of the United States, a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The law requires the jury to release the defendant unless it is fully convinced of the defendant's guilt. Many times it may be difficult for a jury to come to such a significant conclusion. This is clearly evident in the movie 12 Angry Men. At first, each juror is convinced of his verdict except one. Yet of those who are convinced that the boy on trial is guilty, all change their vote except one. A precise example of this would be a comparison between Juror 3 and Juror 6. Both jurors have heard the same case and have studied the same evidence. Yet of the two, Juror 3 does not understand why anyone would consider the defendant not guilty. By taking a closer look at this character one may be able to understand why he seems to have no compassion towards the young boy. At first, Juror 3 appears to be a successful businessman who owns a messenger service. Yet as time goes on, one may see him as a sour and unhappy man. He wants to base the case solely on the evidence presented at the trial. Throughout the meeting in the jury room, Juror 3 disregards all other evidence brought up by Juror 8 and the others. He says that the evidence revealed may not be accurate or true. Therefore, it should not be taken into consideration. As time goes on he becomes more and more passionate and seems to be somehow personally involved with the case. At one point, he tells the other jurors about an argument between him and his son. Juror 3 and his son had an argument which made his son run away. When his son returned to apologize, Juror 3 hit him for leaving the first time thus leading him to run away once more. He has not seen his son in two years and this has left him somewhat bitter inside. His anger toward his supposed ungrateful son is projected toward the young man on trial. Juror 3 has no concern for the life of the defendant. He makes it clear that he would have been an executioner and would have pulled the switch on the boy himself. His personal troubles have imposed on his ability to come to a verdict.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Of Mice and Men by John Ernst Steinbeck Essay

Of Mice and Men was written by John Ernst Steinbeck. This book was published in 1937. This is a tale about an extraordinary friendship between two migrant labourers during the Great Depression who shared the same dream of having their own ranch ‘living on their own land’. They moved on to a new job after they ran away from their previous job in a hurry, following an incident involving the larger of the two men. Here they met new people as well as trouble along their job in the ranch with the boss’ son who greatly dislikes big people, and his wife who likes flirting with the boys a lot. In a fight Lennie tried to defend himself against Curley but he still kept punching Lennie, he decided he had enough so he fought back and when he saw the opportunity he grabbed Curley’s hands and crushed it. He also accidentally killed his wife while stroking her hair in the barn which George was really crossed about and decided to kill him for their own good. The Great Depression occurred during the 1930’s (year when this book was published) when the American Stock Market on Wall Street crashed catastrophically and led to a massive economic depression, which greatly affected America and some parts of the world that resulted to workers migrated all over the country to find jobs. Lennie & George were migrant farm worker who moved from one place to another to find work. They became migrant workers because of the trouble that they caused at their old place, which urged them to get on the run and find a new job. George is small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes (might be a bit worried) and having sharp, strong features Lennie is his complete opposite a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and walks heavily dragging his feet a little, like the way a bear drags its paws and with arms hanging loosely. This shows us how animal-like Lennie is. Workers in the ranch live in a bunk house ‘a long rectangular, building’ which could accommodate up to 8 people in their own bunks. George’s first thoughts about the bunk house was dirty and unhygienic infested with tiny bugs; which came into his mind when he found a small yellow can on the box shelf which was supposed to kill tiny bugs and insects. The bunk house, which they were living in, was quiet big but without privacy as there were no individual rooms, an infested bunk house with an old dog going in and out which we don’t know what kind of insect it might be carrying. The overall condition in this bunk house depends mainly on its occupiers of being clean and hygienic. Migrant workers like Lennie and George haven’t got stability; they go to the ranch mainly to work and get paid then get on with their lives. Most of their work placement isn’t permanent they haven’t got stability at all, it mainly depends with the contract they have, which often wouldn’t last that long because of different factors that’s why they couldn’t make any long-term plans. Migrant workers are the loneliest guys in the world they’ve got no friends. They have no family and don’t belong to no place. They’ve got no one to talk to, and no one cares about them. It’s difficult for a migrant worker to have friend to accompany each other. ‘Hardly none of the guys ever travel together’ unlike Lennie and George that gives them an extraordinary friendship. Guys in the ranch just come in the bunk, work for a month and go out alone. Lennie and George are different because they got each other to look after themselves that makes them quiet unusual. I would find it rather difficult to make friends if I work as a migrant worker. I would feel uneasy with myself going to a strange place and meeting and befriending new people. As what Slim said ‘it’s a bit odd two people coming together, usually a person come and go with no one to look up to’. Lennie and George shares a common dream the ambition of having a little house and a piece of land of their own ‘an live off the fatta the lan’; they dreamed of having a better life with their land having a garden, a little win’ mill, a rabbit cage, an’ a chicken run. In which they could grow different sorts of crops and raise some farm animals ranging from chickens to cows and specially rabbits that Lennie is so keen about. This dream means a lot to them saving up all their monthly stakes for this to materialise, their dream gives them hope and determination and most importantly this means their future. In the novel not only George and Lennie have dream but also Curley’s wife who regrettably married Curley when she could have gone with someone richer and famous guys. She imagined herself acting and living in luxury if she had run away with the other guys instead of Curley, she ‘coulda been in the movies, and had a nice clothes, with pictures taken of her. She could be sittin’ in them big hotels and it wouldn’t even cost her a cent because she was in the picture. This was her once in a lifetime chance, which she deeply regrets; if only she had run away with the guys she could be rich by now. Everyone in during the depression dreamed of having their own land, thinking that they could live better off with themselves. Most of them shared a common goal the ‘American Dream’. People in the ranch has nowhere to go to so they spend most of their time dreaming of their own place but even if they worked hard enough they won’t be able to save enough to move on in life. Even George was tempted to go with them to the cat-house leaving Lennie behind and spending money on their account. Even if they got their own place they were always doomed to failure of history repeating itself about Lennie, which was their huge pitfall. These people had dreams thinking they could live much better on their own life with no one controlling them. These ambitions are good for them giving them something to look forward to, to give them hope and determination that one day they would be able to achieve their dream. But somehow it would be bad to have these dreams and living on a fantasy world that some how we know, doesn’t exist. Most of the people in the ranch are victims of prejudice because of their incapabilities, race or physical appearance. Prejudice means to ‘pre-judge’ someone, it is an attitude of mind on any topic which encourages us to ‘prejudge’ those who differ from us in some way. Racism, Discrimination, Scapegoating and Stereotyping are some forms of applied prejudice. Candy is the only oldest person in the ranch that’s why he is treated with prejudice adding to the fact to that he had lost his hand, which makes him feel very useless. His dog was shot because he was powerless to stop them because he was just an old man and most of the people wants his dog dead; he was depending on how Slim would react to help him save his dog but Slim turned him down. He was the only chance he had to stop his dog from being executed. He also has the least respected job being the cleaner or â€Å"swamper† as it’s called. Curley’s wife is treated with prejudice from the fact she is the Boss’ daughter-in-law. Her flirtatious attitude contributes to the way she is treated. She not only wants some one to talk to, she wants someone to open-up with to share her loneliness and to express her feelings. Some men have different feelings for her like Whit and Lennie are attracted to her but George and Candy despise her. But she’s well aware of the power she holds over men even though she’d just been there for a few weeks. She doesn’t let anybody step on her and treats her like dust, she annoys them even more if she knows the person doesn’t like her. Crooks is the worst victim of prejudice to the extent that he is treated in a different way being segregated from other guys because he is black. Being a black man he is the subject of verbal and physical degradation. He is sole survivor; he shows us that he is a fighter who doesn’t easily get degraded. Even though he is segregated he has his own room, which not all of them have, and he has the most numerous belongings. Even though he is the victim he also shows us his manipulative way because he knows he could be dominate over Lennie in which he saw h over Lennie but Lennie quickly got off of the bait and showed him that he is still the lowest of all ranks in the ranch. Surely no one would like to be treated in such manner of ‘Prejudging’ others without knowing the reasons behind it. It is usually were evil starts. Most of the time it results to discrimination and racism that, are often accompanied by either physical or verbal aggression; this is a form of prejudice in action. I strongly disagree to someone treating anyone with prejudice. Prejudice is such an evil way of thinking; only people with a clear evil intention and malicious mind would do that. I don’t think their lives are appealing. I don’t want to live like migrant workers moving from one place to another, I would like a permanent job and permanent place where I can have stability. They also have to understand the people around them and adjust to their new environment. They also got to bare the loneliness; people like them got no one to talk to, no families, and no place to live. They have no directions in life; in the ranch people are going nowhere. They come in to work then come out, spend all their monthly stakes and come back to work again. They migrate from their town because there is no work to be found around it. So they spent most of their time migrating depending on their contract.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Career Choice

It halogens not Just your abilities, but it also challenges your brain. It is never the same thing every day. My main reason for becoming a CSS is to get Justice for the victims. My professional reasons for becoming a Crime Scene Investigator are to get criminals off the streets. I would like to make a good career out of being a CSS. Another reason is that I will gain great skills out of this profession. There is always a want for Chi's and Criminal Justice majors. I will be successful because I will have my bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. I will get a great deal of work experience In y field.I will gain a great deal of skills that can only help me go further. I plan to be as successful as I can be. My academic goals will help me succeed because without a degree you cannot get a good Job. You cannot go any further in your field of study. The academic goals should be realistic and time oriented. These goals should be within your period for schooling, and they should be In three lengths. A short-term goal, A medium term goal, and a long-term goal. My professional goals will help me succeed because they will get me a good Job, and work experience.They will help me gain skills that are needed in my area of work, and they will help me move up In my career. I believe that both academic and professional goals are the two major steps in becoming a Crime Scene Investigator. Being a Crime Scene Investigator could have both good and bad things about It. You must have the skills to be a CSS. Having a strong stomach Is a big thing with being a CSS. You see bodies everyday and you have to be able to handle the worst kind of smells. Patience, and having a sharp eye for detail are both key skills In being a CSS.You have to be patient and take the time to find the little details In every case. Having the skills and the experience for the Job can help you more than It could ever hurt you. Having the knowledge for this Job Is a big part of the academic goals. You can never go wrong with knowing as much as you can about your area of study. The mall thing that one should always remember about being a CSS Is that there Is a lot that comes with the Job. This Job Is not Just a normal nine to five Job, this Job could be a nine to five Job and then an on call every night Job.When they call you In the boss expects you to be there at a moment's notice. My Career Choice By Ashley my bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. I will get a great deal of work experience in within your period for schooling, and they should be in three lengths. A short-term gain skills that are needed in my area of work, and they will help me move up in my have both good and bad things about it. You must have the skills to be a CSS. Having a strong stomach is a big thing with being a CSS. You see bodies everyday and you for detail are both key skills in being a CSS.You have to be patient and take the time to find the little details in every case. Having the skills and the experience fo r the job can help you more than it could ever hurt you. Having the knowledge for this Job is a big part of the academic goals. You can never go wrong with knowing as much as you can about your area of study. The main thing that one should always remember about being a CSS is that there is a lot that comes with the Job. This Job is not Just a night Job. When they call you in the boss expects you to be there at a moment's

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Johan Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Johann Sebastian Bach is probally one of the greatest composers of his time, as well as our time. As a boy he had a fantastic soprano singing voice and always took the lead roles in the church and school choirs. He started composing fairly early on in his life and his first main works, including the Preludes and Variations for the organ, were composed between the ages of 17 and 20. Bach loved church music and was regarded as one of the finest organists of his day. Since he was raised up with strong ties to the church, he was always involved in church music both as a singer and an organist. He wrote many of his marvelous series of cantatas for the sunday services at the Church of St Thomas in Leipzig, which were probably the best of it's kind. Bach was always was in high demand and held a continuation of excellent jobs throughout his lifetime which included posts at the courts of Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar and Prince Leopold of CÃ ¶then. Life, however, was not always that great though. In the early years Bach was heavily influenced by the composer Buxtehude (another great writer for the organ) and he left his first job as organist at Arnstadt to go and have lessons with him. This turned into a four-month leave, causing trouble with Bach's employers when he returned. Not only had his presence been missed for four consecutive months, but he had come back writing in an advanced and unusual style that wasn't exactly what was required. It was great music but it was just a little ahead of its time. So Bach moved on to the job in Weimar, which gave him greater musical freedom. His main duties were court organist and chamber musician to the reigning Duke Wilhelm Ernst, and he afterwards attained the job of conductor to the court orchestra in his last three years of service.It was at the beginning of this period of work that he wrote some of his most famous organ pieces, including the marvellou... Free Essays on Johan Sebastian Bach Free Essays on Johan Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Johann Sebastian Bach is probally one of the greatest composers of his time, as well as our time. As a boy he had a fantastic soprano singing voice and always took the lead roles in the church and school choirs. He started composing fairly early on in his life and his first main works, including the Preludes and Variations for the organ, were composed between the ages of 17 and 20. Bach loved church music and was regarded as one of the finest organists of his day. Since he was raised up with strong ties to the church, he was always involved in church music both as a singer and an organist. He wrote many of his marvelous series of cantatas for the sunday services at the Church of St Thomas in Leipzig, which were probably the best of it's kind. Bach was always was in high demand and held a continuation of excellent jobs throughout his lifetime which included posts at the courts of Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar and Prince Leopold of CÃ ¶then. Life, however, was not always that great though. In the early years Bach was heavily influenced by the composer Buxtehude (another great writer for the organ) and he left his first job as organist at Arnstadt to go and have lessons with him. This turned into a four-month leave, causing trouble with Bach's employers when he returned. Not only had his presence been missed for four consecutive months, but he had come back writing in an advanced and unusual style that wasn't exactly what was required. It was great music but it was just a little ahead of its time. So Bach moved on to the job in Weimar, which gave him greater musical freedom. His main duties were court organist and chamber musician to the reigning Duke Wilhelm Ernst, and he afterwards attained the job of conductor to the court orchestra in his last three years of service.It was at the beginning of this period of work that he wrote some of his most famous organ pieces, including the marvellou...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Dealing With Rejection From Your Top College Choice

Soon, high school seniors all around the country will be awaiting the arrival of college admissions decisions. While the method has changed from a paper envelope arriving in the mail to electronic delivery straight to your mobile device, one thing that hasn’t changed is the emotion of that moment. For some lucky students, an acceptance results in a wave of euphoria and sheer joy. For those less lucky, a rejection can trigger feelings of sorrow, grief, and even depression. If you have your heart set on a singular dream school that you don’t ultimately get into, these feelings can be even more intense. You might feel overwhelmed. You might be tempted to crawl into bed and stay there. You may even worry that you’ll never achieve your other dreams either. Rest assured, though, that getting rejected from your top choice isn’t the end of the world. In fact, the majority of students who apply to selective colleges don’t actually get in. In this post, we’ll discuss how you can deal with rejection from a top choice college and how to redirect your energy towards moving forward in a positive, productive way. To learn our top tips about coping with rejection from your top choice college, read on. For some students, college applications represent the culmination of many years of hard work. If you don’t get into your top school, you might feel like all of your hard work was for naught, and you may legitimately feel heartbroken. That’s okay; it’s a completely normal reaction to falling short of a goal you’ve work so hard towards. While it’s natural to feel sorrow and the need to grieve, you can’t spend the remainder of your senior year in your bed. It may be helpful to set a self-imposed time constraint on the active grieving process. Allow yourself a few days to really indulge in self-care. Watch some movies, take a hot shower, and get takeout from your favorite restaurant. When a few days has passed, though, you’ll need to resolve to move forward. You might still feel sad, but it’s time to start channeling those emotions into something productive. At the end of your self-care days, get back up and prepare to take on the world again. You might think that your college admissions decisions are a direct indicator of your worth as a person or as a student. It’s important to remember that this is definitely not the case. College admissions decisions are based on so many factors that you can’t control. If you did your best to control the ones you could, then you need to know that there were other factors at play. Maybe this was the year that the Division 1 Football team lost four starting players and one of those replacements edged you out of a seat. Perhaps 30 students from your town decided to apply to the same school and only one could be accepted. Maybe you were up against a fourth-generation legacy whose parents, grandparents, and great aunt all donate heavily each year. You never know what other factors are at play in college admissions, so taking a rejection personally is never a good idea. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. While it might seem like the most perfect college you could imagine, no college that doesn’t recognize what an amazing candidate you are is going to be the best fit for you. There are hundreds of amazing colleges out there, and odds are high that you will be able to succeed elsewhere if you set yourself to attending one that’s the best fit for you personally. Start by identifying what it was about your dream school that made it so alluring. Was it the geographic locale, a specific academic program, or another aspect altogether? If you can pinpoint a few of the most desirable qualities, you can bet you’ll be able to find those same qualities at other schools that would be happy to have you as a student. Redirect your focus to the schools that you did get in to. Join social media groups for accepted students. Reach out to current students or recent graduates. Network to learn more about each school and get a better feel for it. Visit campus again if you have a chance. The more you know about it, the better prepared you’ll be to make an informed decision about where you do go. Instead of thinking of this as a door closing, think of it as one that has opened. You have an opportunity in front of you to start fresh. What are you going to do with this opportunity? Shift your thinking to view this as an amazing chance to attend a college where you’re truly valued. If a college doesn’t want you, you’re probably better off elsewhere anyway. Some day, your alma mater will not matter nearly as much as what you made of your college experience. Will you be a dedicated student and a committed member of the community or will you begrudgingly go through your years there wishing you were someplace else? Only you can make this decision. Â   Finally, remember that you aren’t required to attend any single school for four years. While you definitely shouldn’t go into a college with the attitude that you can just transfer if something doesn’t go your way, it is important to keep perspective that you aren’t stuck someplace if it ends up being a bad fit. The best you can do is give it your best shot and then, if it doesn’t work out, consider transferring someplace else that will. If you’ve been rejected from your top choice college, it’s only natural to feel a wide array of emotions that may range from grief to anger to self-doubt. There is no right way to feel when you get the news that you’ve been rejected, but there is a right way to recover. Reframing your thinking to recognize the opportunity before you and to capitalize on the chances that you do have will help you to land gracefully. To learn more about setting yourself up for success on your college applications and how to make a college list that best suits you and your goals, consider enlisting the help of ’s Applications Guidance service. Here, you’ll be paired with a personal admissions specialist who can provide step-by-step guidance through the entire application process, even if you’re on a tight timeframe.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

DB 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DB 3 - Research Paper Example There is a possibility of having a leader from different country go to work at a different state, thus calls for considerations on the way such leaders will navigate through their respective cultures and adopt the culture of the land. Senior leaders in any organization are most likely to determine the culture of which the organization follows since they are the ones with power to make decisions (Sinha, 2008). However, the United Nations has its own culture of which it expects any other leader to obey and follow the same standards. China has a very different culture from that of the USA, as well as India. For instance, USA is more of modernized with even a different approach in the dressing code. This implies that a leader from India working in the USA has at least to adopt the dressing standards of the USA. The same case will apply to a USA citizen working in China, since the culture of the land is subject to uphold. However, the organization requires to reach an agreement with the culture of the land to be a bit lenient on what they expect foreigners to perform so that it can give an apple ground for an individual to balance his/her culture with the culture of the land he/she is working at that moment. This is t he only way of ensuring that really an organization achieves its roles, as leaders from any country will have an ample time and environment of performing duties